
Meyer Grain, Inc. has the flexibility and adequate space to accommodate all our producers. We are also licensed to offer Warehouse Receipts/Federal FSA Loans.

Pay for what you use!

No In Charge!

No Hidden Charges!



The best deal in the area just got better! Pay for what you use and avoid additional costs for what you don’t with our daily rates for storage. Our low prices stay, our monthly fees don’t.

Compare our rates and save on your expenses!

  • $0.04/bu per month Price Later Service Fees prorated @ $0.0013/bu per day – accrued daily,
    billed at the end of the month
  • $0.05/bu per month Storage Fees prorated @ $0.0016/bu per day – accrued daily,
    billed at the end of the month
  • $0.10/bu Out Charge if not sold to Meyer Grain, Inc.
  • No In or Out Charges for Corn brought in for drying only if removed within 7 days from last load.

Fees will be billed to your account on the last day of the month. Daily fees will accrue after each billing until commodities are sold or removed. Unpaid fees will be deducted from the grain settlement.

Application of disposition will be retroactive to the original date of the delivery ticket.

Corn to storage will be shrunk to 14% moisture.

Please note Grain designated for storage must be removed within 1 year after the date of deposit, except for any of the following:

  1. Grain for which we issue a Warehouse Receipt.
  2. Grain owned by the Commodity Credit Corporation.
  3. Grain pledged as collateral for a loan by the A.S.C.S. or the U.S.D.A.
  4. Grain transferred to a Price Later or Delayed Price Contract.